Stefano Says State Funding For Somerset Lake Dam Project Vital to Protecting Safety, Encouraging Economic Development

Senator Pat Stefano (R-32) said he is very pleased with the Governor’s commitment to release state funding for the rehabilitation of the Somerset Lake Dam restoration project, saying it is vital to protecting public safety and will also play a critical role in promoting tourism and economic development in Somerset County.

Stefano thanked Governor Wolf for taking a comprehensive approach to funding this project and other high hazard dams in the Commonwealth and recognizing the importance of not only protecting the integrity of the dam but bringing new jobs and economic opportunities to the area.

He also credited local leaders, including Dr. Jeff Payne, of the Somerset Conservancy that led the restoration campaign, and Fish and Boat Commissioner Len Lichvar for their tireless advocacy.

“From the beginning this has been a grassroots effort, with local and state officials and volunteers working tirelessly to ensure the safety of local residents and turn the surrounding area into a county park that will attract visitors to this area, said Stefano, who has been a strong supporter of the project.   “I’m so happy that we now have the financial resources to make this very important project happen.  It is a real testament to the folks who have worked so hard to turn a difficult situation into a tremendous asset for this region.”

Contact: Ben Wren (717) 787-7175

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